pursuant - definição. O que é pursuant. Significado, conceito
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O que (quem) é pursuant - definição

·adv ·Alt. of Pursuantly.
II. Pursuant ·adj Acting in consequence or in prosecution (of anything); hence, agreeable; conformable; following; according;
- with to or of.
If someone does something pursuant to a law or regulation, they obey that law or regulation. (FORMAL)
He should continue to act pursuant to the United Nations Security Council resolutions.
¦ adverb (pursuant to) formal in accordance with (a law, resolution, etc.).
pursuantly adverb
ME poursuiant (in the sense 'a prosecutor'): from OFr., 'pursuing', from poursuir; later influenced in spelling by pursue.
Exemplos de pronúncia para pursuant
1. pursuant to standardize review and assessment
The Sense of Style _ Steven Pinker _ Talks at Google
2. was a war fought pursuant to that strategy of containment,
The New American Militarism _ Andrew Bacevich _ Talks at Google
3. pursuant to FISA, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.
The United States Wrongfully Arrested Me _ Xiaoxing Xi _ Talks at Google
4. think it will happen pursuant to the rule of law.
The United States is Losing the Digital Cold War _ Jack Goldsmith _ Talks at Google
Exemplos do corpo de texto para pursuant
1. The coalition forces are themselves in Iraq pursuant to a Security Council resolution.
2. Paektu from Xiaojiazhihe pursuant to the policy laid down at the Nanhutou Meeting.
3. The U.S. maintains a list of entities registered as Money Services Businesses (MSBs) pursuant to U.S.
4. "The settlers went pursuant of Israeli policy, both Labor and Likud.
5. The exclusivity that they receive pursuant to patent protection renders investment in marketing more worthwhile.